Crimes per Hour in Dallas Texas 2014

Another analysis of crime data supplied by Dallas Open Data ( might be crimes per hour.

The data provided by the Dallas Police Department might be used for criminal background checks, accident analysis, crime analysis, etc… this analysis involves finding the number of crimes per hour for 2014.

The Dallas Police Department’s Record Management System (RMS) provides Dallas Open Data with sample data. The new system was added on June 1, 2014, so two sets of data needed to be merged for the analysis.

I made some assumptions, such as the field “offensetimedispatched” is used to dermine that hour that the crime happened.

I also normalized the data so that if we fit a model to the results, that model can be used to predict crimes per hour for other cities.

You can read about how I conducted the analysis or follow along using R at

Or you can get the code from Github at

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