If you don’t have your Asterisk sending your voicemails to your email because you don’t want to setup an SMTP service on you machine, you can use sendmail to transfer e-mail to another mail server.
If sendmail is not installed, install sendmail
yum install sendmail
yum install sendmail-cf
Change your current directory to the one where your sendmail configuration files are located
cd /etc/mail/
Create a subdirectory
mkdir auth
chmod 700 auth
Create a new file to hold your configuration information
vim auth/client-info
Add the following line to the file using your information
AuthInfo:your.isp.net “U:smtp.yourdomain.com” “I:user@yourdomain.com” “P:password”
Generate the authentication database and make both files readable only by root:
- cd auth
- makemap hash client-info < client-info
- chmod 600 client-info*
- cd ..
5. Add the following lines to your sendmail.mc file, filling in your ISP’s mail server:
Search for SMART_HOST put following line just below that.(Dont forget to change smtp.yourdomain.com to your domain name).
FEATURE(`authinfo’,`hash /etc/mail/auth/client-info’)dnl
6. Generate sendmail.cf:
- m4 sendmail.mc > sendmail.cf
7. Restart the sendmail daemon, e.g., (this depends on your OS):
- /etc/init.d/sendmail restart
Configuration files
; Formats for writing Voicemail. Note that when using IMAP storage for
; voicemail, only the first format specified will be used.
format = wav49|gsm|wav
serveremail = server@email.com
attach = yes
fromstring=The Asterisk PBX
sendvoicemail = yes ; Allow the user to compose and send a voicemail while inside
emailonly = no
emailsubject = You have a New Voicemail from ${VM_CALLERID}
emailbody = Dear ${VM_NAME} ,\n \t\t\t You have received a new voicemail from ${VM_CALLERID} \non ${VM_DATE}. \n Find attached.\n\n—-\nAsterisk PBX
maxgreet =
operator = no
maxmsg = 25
maxmessage = 300
minmessage = 0
saycid = no
sayduration = no
envelope = no
review = no
Thats it !
Leave a voicemail on your extension and check if it arrives at your mail box.